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All about that Fearless Gala | Bethany M Quinn Coaching

For the past 2 years I’ve been shooting and planning for the Fearless Gala. What is it? The exhibition will feature Black & White Boudoir photos of 37 women from the ages of 30-72 years of age along with their unique tales of courage and bravery.

This project is near and dear to my heart. When it comes to beauty standards and what we see in the media, women over 30 are rarely represented unless they have a flawless body (ie HEAVILY photoshopped), in a diaper ad, or featured in medical ads. My goal with the Fearless project and with this event is to smash the status quo and break the unrealistic standards that society has put on women. Women are encouraged in our society to shrink themselves, be seen and not heard, wear this not that, and be a good girl, do as you’re told. With Fearless, I’ve provided 37 women a platform to break those stereotypes and to share the idea that Confidence is the New Black.

One participant who will be featured, Mary, noted this about her Fearless black and white boudoir session: “This is not aging for me, it is my Renaissance.” Becky, another participant who will be highlighted, shared, “My grandmother would never approve of this, and that’s why I’m doing it.” I am deeply honored by their willingness to be vulnerable in this special way, and so excited to share their stories.

My goal was to photograph 40 women, but I made it to 37! I don’t mind that number and I’m quite proud of everything that’s been accomplished so far. Starting out I didn’t feel that way. I was nervous that my idea wouldn’t translate and that no one would sign up. How was I going to find a venue that would host this? But the more women that signed up for these sessions, the more excited I got. Now, we’re almost a month away from the gala and I’m so excited to be nearly done with the planning process. This project has filled my heart with women whose stories other women need to hear. We’ll be celebrating on Thursday, November 9th in Indianapolis. If you’re in the area, I would love for you to come!


Hey there! I'm Bethany. The Photographer, Coach, and Podcast Host behind

Boudoir Business Education. “All I want to do is photograph women in black and white and give them a beautiful and empowering experience.” Is what I wrote in my journal. Playing my idea off of a few trusted people, I was told, “There’s not a market for black and white boudoir photography”, “No one will pay for that.”, and “This is a weird idea.”

I followed my gut and went for it anyway. Right out of lock down, I had a new studio, was booked three months in advance, and haven’t looked back since. I love to photograph and empower women that understand my vision, love my work, and pay me what I’m worth. This process showed me that I can make my dreams possible and profitable. Now, I want to share what I learned (but in a much faster way) to build a thriving boudoir photography business.

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